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China Launches Belt and Road Platform to Promote Innovation
Scientists from Belt and Road Countries Gather in Beijing
Kunming Institute of Botany and Institute of Gene Pool of Plants and Animals to Renew Cooperation
China Releases First Report on Biotechnology in Developing Countries
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Group Photos
Group Photos
Photos of Closing Ceremony
Photos of Closing Ceremony
Video Promo
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Opening Ceremony of the Belt and Road Science Forum
CAS-TWAS Centres of Excellence
CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation, SDIM
CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Green Technology (CEGT)
CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Climate and Environment Sciences
CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Water and Environment (CAS-TWAS CEWE)
CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology (CoEBio)
Overseas Institutions
South America Center for Astronomy, CAS China-Africa Joint Center for Research and Education, CAS
Central Asian Center of Drug Discovery and Development of CAS CAS Research Center for Ecology and Environment of Central Asia
China-Brazil Joint Laboratory for Space Weather Kathmandu Center for Research and Education, CAS
China-Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, CAS
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